
Strečno Castle – 25 km
Orava Castle – 31 km
Budatín castle – 36 km
"Považská galéria" art rgallery with a unique tinker exposition, revitalized English park
Vychylovka – 39 km, Kysucke village museum, historical railway
Rajecká Lesná – 60 km, the largest wooden carved betlehem in the world
Vlkolínec – 45 km, live open-air museum of folk architecture (registered in a UNESCO list)
Slanický island of arts – 53 km, expositions of folk art
Oravská lesná railway – 35 km, the only preserved narrow-gauge steam locomotive
Čičmany – 74 km, folk architecture, folklore exposition
Stará Bystrica – 32 km, first wooden tower clock, largest wooden statue
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+421 907 826 250